This video is part of my application for the Dear Moon project with Yusaku Maezawa and Elon Musk.

I received an email telling me I passed the first application with 'flying colors' and needed to submit a video. I loved their 2 simple questions for Phase 1 of the application process:

  1. what project are you working on, and

  2. how would you use this experience to bless humanity

Both questions blew my mind.

Phase 2 is this video. The requirement was hard: keep it less than a minute. Not easy.

So, for this video, I decided to circle back to the Phase 1 questions and illustrate what words sometimes fail to do.

I can think of no deeper experience than to see the earth from ~238,000 miles from the planet. It would be a profoundly philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual experience to see what Carl Sagan described as the "Pale Blue Dot" with my own eyes.

I'd use this experience as a catalyst to help people metaphorically step away from their world(s) and take a deeper look at the connections in their lives.

It's unlikely they'd pick me, but if they did, I'd use this experience to amplify the message of our oneness. I want to shine a light on what connects us with ourselves and the human family.

My philosophy is everything is connected and connection is everything.