Custom Solutions | Client Projects
When the world's most successful businesses uncover a difficult training challenge, they turn to Stonewell for leadership and vision.
The majority of our customers come to us seeking innovative solutions for their biggest challenges. Our progressive thinking, fiercely creative mindset, combined with our mastery of technology and adult learning lead our customers to measurable performance improvement.
our Sample workproduct
Leadership Training course
Our consulting team was tasked to design a series of leadership development courses, Boots on the Ground 1.0 & 2.0. These beginner and advanced 2-day workshops used the Mycore method as the framework, and their core values as the topics. Closing performance and behavioral gaps was a key driver.
Our design and training methods were well received by both executive leadership and field-level employees. This broad acceptance and adoption has attributed to significant KPI improvement.
BOTG 2.0 Training Topics included:
conflict management
matrix organizations
core values
operational excellence
team development
the influencer model
ethics & legal compliance
priority management
Cultural assessment tool
Mycore was asked to research the history of fatalities in heavy industry from before World War I to today. We then plotted that trend line against industry cultural shifts that have occurred almost every two decades, along with various types of government interventions.
This chart became a means of seeing the bigger picture in safety culture. This tool was then printed as large, wall-sized posters, with a series of spiral-bound transparencies as overlays. Every layer of the business was then invited to place colored dots on their organizational transparency indicating where they thought the company was on the culture of safety. Once each layer placed their plots and the transparencies overlaid, it revealed with granular clarity where they were aligned and where they weren't.
Contributors from every level of the organization were invited to place a colored dot on the historical timeline representing where they thought the company stood culturally. Colored dots were assigned to layers of the organization. Each division of the company was also separated by a large transparency and when the overlays were finally revealed, a new perspective on company alignment was achieved. Because safety was their highest core value, this tool served as a powerful tool to discover new ways of aligning attitudes and behaviors that affected their own safety culture.
EHS Management System
Mycore designed an extensive EHS management guide as part of Boart Longyear's initiative to close performance gaps and better live their EHS values.
Leadership by light
This will be our section on leadership by light.
Curiculum development, media production, print design and marketing videos. Full-service solution.
Compliance training
When Bain & Company approached our consulting team, they were looking for an innovative means of delivering compliance training. After an audience analysis we landed on a fictitious news network: think The Onion meets CNN. With this instructional canvas, we were able to draw upon a variety of characters and scenarios to bring otherwise mundane compliance topics to life.
Driver Safety
Vehicle incidents rank among the most costly in heavy industry. So, when Barrick approached our team to help curb the number of vehicle-related incidents, LTI's and fatalities, we jumped at the opportunity. This rich online course teaches driver safety unlike traditional courses. Through the use of rich metaphor, game-style exercises, and powerful learning tools, this course became the most popular ever seen at this global organization. It was so popular among employees, executives asked for a family version they could distribute globally. That was also a hit.
Over 500,000 people taken course
Deployed in over 25 countries
Translated French, Spanish & Bahasa Indonesian
(scheduled 15 additional languages)
Unique blend of instructional strategies
Course transcended cultural boundaries
Widely accepted by employees
Historically, our most popular course, this is our Boart Longyear variation.
In our driver safety course, the host interacts with little imps - the voices in our heads that (consciously or unconsciously) affect our decisions while driving. This was a very effective strategy for this course.
Our driver safety course in Bahasa Indonesian.
Platform delivery:
We can deliver via web - installed on either a UNIX or Windows server, SCORM compliant LMS, or other LMS platforms as well asDVD/CD ROM delivery for individual desktop training.
The Driver Safety or Defensive Driving course can be run in either Self-paced or Instructor-facilitated mode. Self-paced is intended for individuals to navigate through the material at their own pace from a computer screen. The Instructor-facilitated (IFT or “classroom”) version is intended to be delivered via a projected computer screen to a group led by an instructor.
the case for faces
We were asked to help an international bank who wanted help with a diversity campaign within their organization. We disagreed with the path the bank was heading - believing their approach would yield no persuasive power. What's more, their approach was not only too clinical, they wanted to employ technology gimmicks that would likely be perceived as disingenuous and most certainly alienate their audience.
Strapped for time, but wanting to show them another way, we quickly wrote, recorded and edited this [conversation starter] to demonstrate a more intimate approach, citing the power of the human face - which is endlessly unique, expressive and interesting.
While this video was rough around the edges and only presented a pencil sketch concept, aimed at starting a conversation and humanizing the subject. we suggested the campaign not simply talk about diversity as an abstraction but focus on (and celebrate) diversity within their company by highlighting the quiet and often unseen heroes as well as those who are more visible.
Because diversity was one of their core values, we recommended a campaign that didn't simply explore the philosophy of diversity, but the humanity behind it.
Large-Scale Training Development
Mycore was retained by Metroports to develop a large-scale training and leadership development curriculum for employees. The deliverables were a combination of live training curriculum, print support material, reference guides, instructional videos and interactive training courses. Projects include:
Environmental Health & Safety Management System Guide
EHS Field Guild
Site Induction Training (with supporting materials)
Instructional Videos
Incident Investigation
Leadership Development Training (combined with the mycore methodology)
Incident Investigation Course
Mycore was retained by Metroports to develop a large-scale training and leadership development curriculum for employe
This basic online course provided the fundamentals of an incident investigation. Basic orientation around various investigation methods were also presented.
Cindy Keen, our Director of Client Services worked closely with our client to ensure no detail was left unattended.
Our advanced online course built upon the previous training and prepared learners for a hands-on simulated investigation.
The depth and breadth of this course was astounding. We even developed Easter eggs for the simulated investigation for the especially keen investigators.
One of our signature design methods is to map and visualize processes so our clients can see their solution before it is produced and better understand the relationship between various parts.
After learners took the basic and advanced online courses, they were invited to a 3-day workshop where they participated as teams in a simulated investigation. Our team carefully crafted the incident with a complicated web of evidence, dead-ends, false leads, and hidden clues. Participants were to conduct themselves as if they were an actual investigation team, where they performed interviews, collected evidence, traveled to site-recreations, looked at faux phone logs, and more. This immersive training was as close reality as one can get; the only exception was there was no real incident.
We designed a miniature model to map out our field exercise for our Incident Investigation course. Here is our model, and a photo of the real truck in Perth, Australia.
This course required every participant to participate heavily in the simulated exercise and perform every action required in an actual incident investigation. The course also leveraged a strong Socratic learning method and required learners to teach the rest of the participants how they arrived at their conclusions.
After a hugely successful pilot in Australia, the program was released globally.
Hazard Recognition | simulated Exercise
An immersive exercise we designed and developed allowing the learner to walk through a virtual environment and identify and classify secondary hazards that may have surfaced as a result of the initial incident. This is a totally awesome exercise. We developed this with the Unity authoring tool, a popular gaming development platform.
desktop simulation | dual-screen simulator
In an effort to close critical performance gaps, our training team was asked to create a desktop simulation of Boart Longyear's flagship drill rig. Our first single-screen simulator was so successful, they asked for a dual-touch-screen simulator that provided more variables & controls.
hand-held SIMULATION
Our training course and free-play simulator for Inthinc's hand-held device.
Conflict management | training strategy
Customers often come to our team to help define a training strategy that will last. In this case, BP asked us to design a conflict management course that targeted some of their critical issues while making the course fun and engaging.
Taproot introduction | root cause analysis
The TapRoot methodology has become widely accepted as the primary means for investigation of incidents considered high and critical, and for many of the Business Units, the methodology is becoming an effective investigative tool for nearly all types of incidents including incidents which result in a minor injury, near-miss or equipment damage. Comparatively, the numbers of employees qualified to use TapRoot increases annually. Business Units are conducting both the facilitator-instructor and supervisory courses on a more frequent basis increasing the overall skill base for qualified TapRoot users.
Customers who customized our course:
Interactive Video: To help retention rates, this product will contain a highly interactive video-based case study that simulated interactions with employees, eye-witnesses, machine operators, etc. This high-fidelity training approach required the learner to navigate decision making with foggy information, negotiate obstacles, synthesize information and draw conclusions.
Integrated / Interactive TapRoot Tools: This course will provide interactive TapRoot tools (i.e., Snap Chart, Root Cause Tree, Dictionary, etc.) to help learners in their investigative process and more closely simulate the tools they will actually use in a real situation.
On-Camera Instructor: In addition to video reenactments, this product will include an on-camera instructor to guide the learner though difficult spots, reintroduce key concepts, and otherwise coach the learner.
Multiple Learner Outcomes: At the conclusion of the interactive case studies, there will be up to 6 possible outcomes.
Framework Advantage™: A proprietary framework (software) that enables learning organizations to make ongoing in-house module upgrades and adjustments without the use of a third party developer.
Competency Testing: The learner will participate in continuous interaction and communication during the training modules to assure continuous understanding and learning to support reaching an outcome from the case study. At the conclusion of the course, the learner will be tested and graded as to their overall comprehension and competency in use of the TapRoot System.
Conflict management course
Conflict Management examines communication best practices for operating in conflict situations. Conflict, it is often said, brings out the worst in us: in how we think and how we communicate. There is some truth to this, but it is much more likely to bring out the past in us. When challenging or threatening conflicts arise, they tend to echo our experiences with similar situations in the past, provoking habitual reactions. Some people may react with defensive actions and communications. Others have learned to communicate aggressively in conflict situations. Others may have become comfortable with self-sacrificing responses or with withdrawal from the conflict situation, and an avoidance of communication of any form. Whatever the reaction, an unconscious or automatic response seriously limits the choices we have in the present situation and, therefore, the situational outcomes. In reality, we always have conscious choices of how we perceive conflict and how we communicate in these conflict situations, which ultimately affects how effective we are at managing the situation
Additional Training Courses We Developed
Our team was contracted to develop a universal training system for Boart Longyear's global training initiatives.