Deep Experience | Broad Applications
For the last 20 years, we've been building custom and semi-custom driver safety content for organizations all around the world. From driving haul trucks, semi-trucks, to fleet vehicles of all types, our team has deep experience training workforce's with practical tools and insights based on their unique operational environments.
Vehicle incidents rank among the most costly in heavy industry. Learn how our creative training solutions are making an impact to shrink operational costs while retaining employee engagement.
This rich, online course teaches driver safety with innovative metaphors, game-style learning exercises, and rich media. For global companies like Barrick Gold, this course became the most popular course introduced to their workforce. What's more, it became the imputus for cultural shifts with the mindsets and behaviors centered around driver safety resulting in more than a 50% reduction on vehicle-related incidents over a 2 year period.
In our driver safety course, the host interacts with alter-egos in the form of imps - which serve as metaphors for the voices in our heads that consciously or unconsciously affect our decisions while driving. These characters offer comic relief and help leaner identify with common inner-narratives.
[Below] Our driver safety course in Bahasa Indonesian.
Login credentials can be specified by the client.
A basic login requires the user’s name and employee I.D.
The main menu shows whether the user has finished (green), started (yellow), or has not yet begun that module (red).
A percentage of the course completed is given at the bottom.
An instructional video explaining how to use the course navigation is available on this screen.
Keeping Learners Engaged
Our object lessons help learners better appreciate the need to operate vehicles at safe distances.
This interactive exercise invites the learner to view safe and unsafe driving practices in relation to different environments that they may encounter.
Interactive Exercises
In this interactive exercise, the learner must decide if the driver of this virtual car is following the 3-Second Rule or not.
Personalized assessment on learner’s risk tolerance and consequent exposure.
We also offer immersive defensive driving simulations are available within Unity. Call for demo.
Customizable Situational/Regional Hazards
For organizations that are geographically dispersed, our course offers customized exploration of specific hazards unique to terrain, culture, wildlife and other driving conditions.
Drill-downs on specific road hazards can be made based on work environment and situational hazards drivers encounter in their specific driving requirements.
Competency Assessment / Test
Our course contains a customizable quiz/test to measure the learner competency. Incorrect responses offer immediate feedback, and opportunity to answer the question again or review the learning material they are struggling with. The degree of remediation can be scaled according to customer preferences.
Platform delivery:
We can deliver via web - installed on either a UNIX or Windows server, SCORM compliant LMS, or other LMS platforms as well as DVD/CD ROM delivery for individual desktop training.
The Driver Safety or Defensive Driving course can be run in either Self-paced or Instructor-facilitated mode. Self-paced is intended for individuals to navigate through the material at their own pace from a computer screen. The Instructor-facilitated (IFT or “classroom”) version is intended to be delivered via a projected computer screen to a group led by an instructor.
The course navigation is standard linear-type navigation. The student is forced to take lessons consecutively. However, lessons are reviewable at any time after completion by clicking the lesson names along the top navigation bar. Free navigation is implemented in the IFT version, unlocking all the lessons in the top navigation bar and includes a button to jump forward through the course (usually video by video).
Final Quiz:
The Driver Safety course includes a quiz following the completion of the lessons. The quiz consists of multiple choice and true-false questions. Clicking on the answer text will select that answer and move to the next question. In the Instructor Facilitated (IFT) version, there is an option to see the correct answer throughout the quiz. After answering the ten quiz questions, any incorrect questions appear on the screen with the option to re-take the missed question or to review the relevant lesson. If a question is re-taken and missed, the student will need to review the lesson before retaking the question again. Students must answer each question correctly before they are allowed to finish the module.
Certificate of Completion:
A certificate of completion is available to print on the final screen after completing the course and the final quiz. The Instructor Facilitated version of the course can include a multiple student input function for printing several certificates at one time.

Here's a list of key topics under each module. Each module is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Any or all of these modules and sub-topics can be customized to meet the specific needs of your operation.
Tiny Conversations
The Science of Distraction
Active Risk Assessments
Defensive Driving
Defensive Driving
Situational Awareness
3 Second Rule
Assessing Risk
Physics of Driving
Impaired Driving
Distracted Driving
Drugs & Alcohol
Situational Awareness
Staying Alert
Risk Factors
Risk Tolerance
Seat Belts
Driving Internationally
Specific Hazards
Safety Practices
Equipment Training
Pre-Op Inspection
Unsecured Loads
Emergency Procedures
Planning Trip
Managing Hazards
Truth & Consequence
Understanding Hazards
Night Driving
Pedestrian Safety
Machine Interactions
Over 750,000 learners have taken our defensive driver course
Variations of this course have been deployed in over 25 countries
Available in French, Spanish & Bahasa Indonesian
Unique blend of instructional strategies
Course transcends cultural boundaries
Widely accepted by employees as both helpful and entertaining
Click here to see Barrick publication on our Driver Safety course.

Off-the-shelf, custom and semi-custom versions of this course are available.
For pricing inquiries or to request access to demo, call 801.856.1822 or complete form.
Assessing the ROI of a Driver Safety Investment
As you assess the ROI of a driver safety course, consider some of the direct & indirect costs associated with vehicle incidents according to OSHA.

Experience the impact of our world-renowned course.
We look forward to hearing from you.