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 There's a saying, "Artificial Intelligence won't take your job, but people who know AI will."

Over the last 7 months, I've been quietly studying emerging AI toolsets for clients and business partners - figuring out new workflows for production teams along with API and integration strategies. I have many friends who are business owners, copywriters, instructional designers, producers, composers, photographers, videographers, and creatives. Friends who are therapists, project managers, financial planners, and consultants. As far as I can tell, no job or industry won't be infiltrated. And it's going to be disruptive.

AI has enabled me to do in a day, what might have taken a week. I can now focus on my finite energy on my highest-order work.

I can't help but think the world is on the verge of a more profound change than the discovery of fire, electricity, or the internet. In the history of all things ever created, there is simply no comparison.

These are some of my early experiments with generative art, once I started mastering command prompts. Most of these images are derivatives of my own photography, but the people you see don't exist. So yes, I sorta created these ... but AI takes most of the credit. Some of the more imaginative scenes were painted with words and command prompts to create the set, setting, colors, style, focal length, artistic style, character design and so much more.

It's easy to create beautiful anythings with AI. Where it gets really fun is learning command prompts, a hybrid of using natural language to describe what you want to create blended with code-like prompts to direct and control what you create. Then, and really only then, is the user a partial participant in art. Once you learn how to direct AI, it's like being in command of a magic wand, or as if you're taking the steering wheel, and it's quite a ride.

